Welcome to the IT Classes CAI (Computer Aided Instruction). You can find the instructions for your IT classes here.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Guidelines for the IT project 2nd Quarter

Please click on the thumbnails for the complete instructions for the Final Project for this quarter.

slide 1 2nd q

slide 2

MS Word file can be downloaded here.

Topics for the Final Project (Choose only one from the list):
a. How to upload music to an MP3 player
b. How to download music from the Internet
c. How to upload pictures to the Internet
*Don't forget to cite the URL of your instructions

This project is due on October 17, 2008.


1. Font Size=12

2. Font Style=Arial

3. Justified

* This project is to be submitted typewritten. For the flowchart, use the Autoshapes function of MS Word. (Click on the image below if you want to recall where the autoshape button is.) Staple all the pages together, please don't place the project in a folder to avoid bulk. Write your name and section on the cover page.
