Welcome to the IT Classes CAI (Computer Aided Instruction). You can find the instructions for your IT classes here.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Guidelines for the Final Project for the 4th Quarter

These are the guidelines for the Final Project for the 4th Quarter in Grade Six I.T.

1. You are going to create an HTML Document that answers these questions:
  • What did i enjoy most as a grade six student this year? (It could be a lesson, a subject, a teacher, etc. that made your grade six experience worthwhile)

  • What did i enjoy most during our IT classes this school year?

(Minimum of 2 paragraphs to be able to answer these questions. You may place images if you want. )
2. Filename is "FPSectionFamilyName.html "
3. Add a link of this document from your profile page. (Your profile page is our exercise number 4)

4.Deadline of IT project is on March 02 , 2009